Mobile Design

Console App

1.    Introduction

Guidefor setting up Visual Studio Code and Salesforce DX.

2.    Prerequisites

·        Java Platform, Standard Edition Development Kit


You needto have either version 8 or version 11 of the JDK installed. If you don’talready have version 8 or 11 of the JDK installed, you can install the latestversion of the Java 8 JDK from Java SE Development Kit 8 Downloads

1.     Setup Salesforce CLI

3.       Downloadand Install Salesforce CLI using given link:

4.      Validate CLI installation – type sfdxcommand in command prompt or terminal. You should be output as below.



2.     Install Visual Studio Code

·        Downloadvisual studio code from :

·        Followon screen instructions to install visual studio code





3.     Setup Salesforce Extensions for Visual Studio Code

·        Open VisualStudio Code and navigate to Extensions tab.

·        Searchfor ”Salesforce Extension Pack” in search box. You shoud see first option asSalesforce extension listed.

·        SelectSalesforce Extension Pack and Install as VS Code extension



4.    Install Git

Install Git :


5.     SFDX Project setup


·        Open new window and select “command palette…”.



·        Select “SFDX: Create Project with Manifest…”.You can type “sfdx:” to get the list of all sfdx related commands



·        Select “Standard Project Template”


·        Provide name of your project


·        Save to the specific location and you will havebasic project folder structure created as shown below



·        Authorize your Org with project. Open commandpalette and choose “SFDX: Authorize an Org”. Then with your username to authenticate. Then it will navigateto webpage to authorise.



You shouldsee successfully authorised message into Visual studio output.


·        Replace your “package.xml with default createdmanifest file located at ./manifest/package.xml

·        Right click package.xml and select “SFDX:Retrieve Source in Manifest from Org”.
















·        This may take quite a time based on components configuredin manifest file. Once all components retrieved you will have your projectconfigured will all components.


6.     Additional DX options to work with Org


·        Retrieve only specific components from org usingdx. Retrieve only “classes” components from Org.


·        Deploy specific components to Org.



7.     SFDX Diff Plugin installation

·        This plugin would be required to check thedifference between the Org and the local. This comes in handy for defectresolution.

·        Open terminal and run the below command:

·        sfdx plugins:install @salesforce/sfdx-diff

8.     Optional tools

·        VS Code ESLint extension

·        Prettier - Code formatter extension


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